by Markus Armbruster | May 19, 2020 | Uncategorized
Check-out our interview with the CHEManager on how co-creative processes work also in the digital space. Check-out the full article here.
by Markus Armbruster | May 11, 2020 | Uncategorized
Markus was invited as keynote speaker at Kuraray’s European Future Days. With his speech, he kicked-off the two days virtual event with more thant 100 participants from all contintents. It not only inspired the audience, it especially helped to already implement...
by Markus Armbruster | May 6, 2020 | Uncategorized
Co-creating the future jointly with Staatsministerin Dorothea Bär und Chefvolkswirt der BayernLB Dr. Jürgen Michels together with almost 80 members of the Bayerische EliteAkademie Alumni in a virtual conference. Find more here.
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